Absolute Domestics

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Agency for domestic cleaners

Servicing the Upper North Shore Area of Sydney, NSW

Call Now! (1300) 364646

Absolute domestic's reputation depends on the selection of our domestics cleaners. They are rigorously checked to establish their honesty and reliability. Their employment history, personality, background, activities, interests and other details are taken into account to substantiate their suitability.

A level of trust and understanding is established between client and cleaner through time, however, matching the right domestics cleaner to the needs of the client is an important consideration

We appreciate it is most desirable to have the same domestics cleaner for each service, so we make every effort to only register Cleaners that are likely to provide long term service. We appreciate your house cleaning services such as ironing, washing and housework benefit from having the same domestic cleaner at each visit.

Communication with cleaning personnel and clients is vital with close contact being maintained at all times. We follow up after the first service to make sure our clients are happy with their domestic cleaner. We believe our clients will find their domestic cleaner reliable and suited to their needs. Should their requirements change or the Cleaner not perform as expected, we ask that they tell us, so we can rectify the situation.

We value our clients and we want to keep them. We never forget that repeat business is the backbone of any successful organisation. Lighten up your workload with a phone call to Absolute Domestics.

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