Baby BeanBags
Baby Beanbags are a comfortable, high quality and innovative seating option for your baby.
Baby Beanbags are a comfortable, high quality and innovative seating option for your baby. The soft fabric outer, bean filling and swappable covers provide a cosy, safe and flexible rocker alternative for your child from birth to school age. Baby Beanbags are portable, easy to clean, offer a wide range of health benefits to you and your children and years of use from newborn to toddler.
They’ve saved our sanity!
As the mother of twin boys who suffer from reflux I find the baby beanbags amazing!! The upright position of the beanbag means that the boys are in much less discomfort with windy tummies, and the straps mean that I can confidently leave the room knowing they are safe & secure. I can also give them bottles at the same time which means great time savings for me and much less distress for the boys. Truly, I would recommend the baby beanbags to anybody, I don’t know what we would do without them, they’ve saved our sanity!
- Gabby, Sydney