Buteyko - Health & Breathing

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Health education and breathing retraining program

Servicing the Sydney Area

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The Buteyko Institute Method (BIM) teaches people to correct their breathing problems. Over time the breathing becomes dysfunctional resulting in an effective lack of oxygen. Oxygen loss is serious and our body tries to defend us and as a result gives us, depending on our individual propensity - asthma, sleep apnoea, nasal problems and many other conditions which we are told to use medications or even machines to suppress the symptoms.

The Buteyko Method is not a breathing technique, it is a program and method to retrain and normalize your breathing pattern to overcome breathing problems. This results in immediate improvement in asthma, sleeping disorders, sleep apnoea, snoring, emphysema, COAD, COPD, sinusitis, hay fever, rhinitis, blocked nose, allergies, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, panic and anxiety conditions, and many other respiratory and breathing problems.

Effective - over 90% of course participants come off all asthma relief medications within one week (medical trial results published in MJA Dec 1998). Over 90% of people are free of their CPAP with in the week. Snoring is reduced in days.

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Please call or email for further details or visit our website for upcoming Free Public Seminars that can help you to overcome breathing problems and related sleeping disporders.

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