Carolyn Purtle- Wahroonga Natural Therapies

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Naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and massage therapist

Suite 4, 18 Railway Ave, Wahroonga, NSW, 2076

Call Now! (02) 9487 7500

As a naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and massage therapist Carolyn provides comprehensive initial consultation allowing you to "tell your story". The knowledge and understanding of your symptoms, medical background, family history, diet analysis, non-invasive examination and iridology diagnosis, Carolyn is able to provide you with recommendation and treatments to help you achieve your health goals.

An individual health program is design for you and treatments may consist variety of combination i.e. herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, homoeopathic remedies, Bach flowers essences, remedial massage, or lymphatic drainage and dietary advice, lifestyle modifications and stress management may be recommended.

The extensive training as a naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and massage therapist allows Carolyn to give you these holistic and natural treatments.

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