Chosun Gallery

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Specialists in Korean, Japanese and Chinese Furniture

993 Pacific Highway, Pymble, NSW, 2073

Call Now! (02) 9488 9298


Kym is an International Buyer with over 8 years of experience across the Asian Marketplace. Her passion and experience will capture the true essence and mystique of Asia by searching for unique and exquisite examples from Korea, China and Japan.

Kym's dedication will bring to you Asia's best and Kym will endeavour to acquire rare, one-off Signature pieces not seen anywhere else in the Southern Hemisphere that can only be sought in her Boutique "Chosun Gallery".

Kym will Delightfully carry on the legacy that Noel and Young Ah Rose created over 26 years ago. Together with Young Ah, Kym will maintain the same level of professionalism that you have grown to trust from Young Ah and Noel and our promise to you is to Showcase the Exquisite and Timeless Furniture and Artefacts that you expect and deserve at "Chosun Gallery"

The gallery displays a treasure trove of works by artisans from throughout the Orient. An impressive range of unusual contemporary accent furniture and complimentary pieces embracing antiques, art, textiles, ceramics, stone, wooden carvings, lamps and Buddhist images, just to mention some of the unique range.

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