Glow Beauty - Cammeray

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Beauty Salon

473 Miller St, Cammeray, NSW, 2062

Call Now! (02) 8920 0600

Glow Beauty Salon in Cammeray offers the following beauty salon services:

Our trained beauty therapists are here to assess your individual needs. We combine expert advice with exceptional skin care, for both men and women. Our beauty salon services include:

* Light therapy facials
* Microdermabrasion facials
* Pedicures
* Eye Treatments
* Body waxing
* Face waxing
* Waxing for men
* Bikini wax
* Underarm wax
* Body massages
* Spray tanning
* Gel nails
* Make up
* Ear Piercing

Glow also offers the services of a Cosmetic Specialist Doctor. These services include:

* Collagen *Restylane *Hylaform *Perlane - to eliminate crows feet and enhance lips.
* Botox - stop frowning today
* Skin Peels - treatment for superficial lines, scarring, pigmentation and sun damage.
* Sclerotherapy - the removal of spider and small veins on the legs.

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