John's Painting Services

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House painters and decorators, painting and decorating services

Servicing the Inner West Area of Sydney, NSW

Call Now! (02) 9715 5555

John's Painting and Decorating Services include:

Interior Painting
* Walls
* Ceilings
* Doors
* Skirting Boards
* Window Sill and Frames
* Picture Rails
* Stairs
* Varnished Floors

Exterior Painting
* Walls
* Windows & Doors
* Brick & Metal Surfaces
* Eaves, gables Gutters & Fascia
* Handrails, downpipes, Metal Roofs & Lintels
* Decking, Weatherboard & Concrete Floors
* Verandahs, Pergolas, Gazebos, & Fences
* Texture Coatings

Visit our website for more details on Strata Units and Commercial Building Painting Services.

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