Simonne Lee - Animal Communicator

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Animal Communication

Servicing the Eastern Suburbs Area of Sydney, NSW

Call Now! 0414 388365

Animal Communicator, Simonne uses 2 methods of animal communication for deceased, wild or domesticated animal.

1. Is in person, you bring your animal in and have a series of questions that you would like answered.

2. Is via email/mail. A photo is sent to Simonne and she is able to link into your animal immediately and answer your questions either by email or phone (Owner will call Simonne at a specified time).

3. Special Appearances STORES/EXPO’s/PARTIES/CHARITIES etc

When Simonne asks an animal certain questions, she receives pictures from them (like a movie in your mind), feelings (she will feel emotions and if there is pain, she will feel it kinaesthetically in the area of her body where the animal is feeling it) and thoughts (she will hear their thoughts in her mind).

Each animal has their own distinct personality and as Simonne and animal are communicating, this starts to come through clearly and owners usually have no doubt that Simonne is actually speaking to their animal. Coming to an agreement between owner and animal for what is expected between each other is an amazing opportunity for a deeper understanding and appreciation of one another, a deeper connection between animal, owner and the environment.

Visit my website to find out more information about animal communication.


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