Sweeneys Plumbing

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Plumbing Services, hot water heaters, emergency plumbing

Servicing the Upper North Shore Area of Sydney, NSW

Call Now! (1800) 219682

Sweeneys Plumbing comprehensive range of plumbing services include:

*Plumbing maintenance to taps & toilets
*Water leaks (taps, showers, underfloor, roofs) and new installations
*Hot water heaters - repairs & installations
*Anti-scalding devices (thermostatic mixing valves)
*Blocked drains
*Sewer & stormwater drainage for home repairs / home extensions / subdivisions and council applications
* All gas work repairs & installations
* Guttering & roofing repairs & replacements
* Kitchen / bathroom renovations
* Water conservation (dual flush cisterns, rainwater tanks, Aqualoc tap valves)
* Recycling water
* Backflow Prevention Valves - testing & installations
* Programmed maintenance schedules
* Diagnostic reports for sale/rental properties
* Pre-purchase and inspection reports
* Emergency plumbing service
* Drain cleaning machines
* High pressure water jetting
* CCTV camera or video inspections (damaged drains located accurately & shown to client before we dig)
* Pipe locating
* Pressure testing
* Product knowledge
* Consulting builders / engineers
* Our specialised mini excavator for use in backyards & tight access areas

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